First stop in San Fran is at this Burrito place in the Mission Neighborhood. It's supposed to have the best burritos in the city, and I would have to agree. It's amazing. Easily the best burrito I have ever had. Chopotle didn't have a chance.
Currently sitting under a tree in Union Square drinking a lemonade. It's weird how that right in the middle of the city there is this little enclave of nature. Might just chill here for a while it maybe go and shop a bit. There are a lot of stores surrounding the park, ranging from the extremely fancy ones with armed guards outside their doors to some that don't even have doors.
Finally made it over to the bay. Decided to take a little break, so I'm sitting on a dock on the bay, watching the tide roll away.
I was talking to my mom earlier and she told me that today in New Jersey it was 90+ with terrible humidity. That must suck, since right now it's 78 with nearly no humidity and a cool breeze. If there is one thing that I deffenitly don't miss from New Jersey it's the weather.
A really pretty panorama of the city.
3:00Ended up at the extremely busy and extremely touristy pier 39. It is kind of like a mix of a boardwalk and times square. Best part of the place had to be the sea lions that sit on docks next to the pier. There weren't too many, but that's because most of the sea lions go north to Alaska to the summer (I totally am a sea lion expert and didn't just read a sign).
Currently sitting again by the bay, this time with a great view of both Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. I find it strange how people were ok with a maximum security prison only a mile off the shores of a major city. I guess people just assumed that it was impossible to escape the island. I would have gone to visit Alcatraz, but a sign near the Alcatraz pier said that the next available tour was for August 16. I don't feel like waiting that long.
Look! It's the Golden Gate Bridge! It's so Gold(ish).
Made it over to Lombard street, AKA the crookedest street in America. It was a pain to get up here, as the hill is so steep that instead of walking up a road and being at a 45 degree angle, the city had to install stairs so it is easier to get up the hill. Once I got the the crooked part, I realized the street was less of a street and more of an amusement park ride, as there was a line of cars stretching for a few blocks, waiting to be able to drive down the street.
Look at how crooked it is! And the view of the city is really nice too.
5:30It's time for my visit to San Francisco to come to a close. I saw everything that I wanted to see, except for the Full House house, but it is too far away from anything else to get there. All in all, I really enjoyed my day in San Francisco.
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