Again, I collected data for most of the week and coded the videos. In addition, I went to Bing Nursery School and helped my mentor for her another study. Basically, in this study, she is trying to see if children are more likely to tell the person who doesn't see them win the game that they win the game. In this study, children are presented a card games four times and they were asked to pick a card. If they pick a card that has a sticker on it, they receive a sticker. But if they pick a card that doesn't have a sticker on it, they don't get a sticker. For the first trial, all children are designed to get the sticker. For the second and third trial, they recieved a sticker card and a non sticker card once with two different people watching. Then, they played the game again and got stickers. Finally, the children were shown two pictures of the two people who watched the game and were asked to choose one to tell her the result. Hypothetically, professor predicted that children would choose the person who saw them did not win the game to tell the person that they won the game.
Moreover, I went to the poster presentation of my lab members, Andrew and Grace. The poster presentation was a lot of fun and it reminded me of the poster I presented back in Peddie. There is one poster regarding how taking pictures on iPhone and sharing them on social media affected our memories that I found particularly interesting. The results show that people who took pictures and shared them on social media had better memories of the object that those of who did not share them on social media. However, taking photos while observing the object in general decreased person's memory on this object.
Time passed fast and I can't believe it is my last week soon. I am going to miss this place a lot.
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